List of Robert Burns memorials
This a list of memorials to Scottish poet Robert Burns.
- Robert Burns Memorial (Montreal) in Dominion Square in Montreal (1930)
- statue in Allan Gardens, Toronto
- statue in Windsor, Ontario
- statue in Stanley Park, Vancouver, British ColumbiaPhoto
- statue in the grounds of the Hotel Macdonald, Edmonton, Alberta
- statue in the grounds of the Provincial Legislature, Winnipeg, Manitoba
- statue on the Green, across from the Provincial Leglislature, Fredericton, New Brunswick
- statue in Beacon Hill Park, Victoria, British Columbia
- statue in Halifax, Nova Scotia, across from the Public Gardens on Spring Garden Road
New Zealand
United States
- Replica of Burns' birthplace cottage belonging to the Burns Club Atlanta in Atlanta, Georgia
- statue in front of the old Spaulding High School building in Barre, Vermont
- statue in Central Park, New York City
- statue in Washington Park, Albany, New York
- statue in Golden Gate Park, San Francisco, California
- statue at Phipps Conservatory & Botanical Gardens, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
- statue in Robert Burns Park, Quincy, Massachusetts
- statue in Detroit, Michigan
- statue on the Danforth Campus of Washington University in St. Louis, Missouri
- statue in Confederate Park, Jacksonville, Florida
- bust in Hermann Park, Houston, Texas
- statue in Garfield Park, Chicago, Illinois
- statue in Cheyenne, Wyoming
- statue in Boston, Massachusetts
- statue in Milwaukee, Wisconsin
- statue in Denver, Colorado